Shop Items can be Bought and Earned. All configurable by you, Of course!
Shop Items are not to be confused with Items.
Items can be created, traded, and bought. As well as given a rarity value.
Actions are what are done once an Item is aquired by a member. A full list of all the current Actions available are displayed below.
- Give Role | Adds a Role of your choice.
- Remove Role | Removes a Role of your choice.
- Give Badge | Adds a Badge of your choice.
- Remove Badge | Removes a Badge of your choice.
- Give Item | Gives an Item of your choice.
- Remove Item | Removes an Item of your choice.
- Post Request | Yep, send a Post Request to your API.
- Send Message | Monni will send a message of your choice. (Supports Simpuka).
- Give Points | Add points to the member who aquired it.
- Remove Points | Remove points from the member who aquired it.
- Kick | Kicks the member who aquired it.
- Ban | Bans the member who aquired it.
- Timeout | Timesout the member who aquired it.
These Items can be added and configured in any Point Shop you create!